Bahor chog’i Текст песни – Jaloliddin Ahmadaliyev
to loyal visitors, for now the lyrics of the song with the title Bahor chog’i with the name of singer Jaloliddin Ahmadaliyev are not yet available on this blog, come back in a while, we will update the lyrics soon, thank you for your attention, have a happy day.
sodiq ziyolilarga, hozirga qadar qo’shiqchi Jaloliddin Ahmadaliyev nomi bilan Bahor chog’i sarlavhasi bilan qo’shiq matni hozircha yo’q bu blogda, bir muncha vaqt ichida qaytib keling, tez orada she’rlarni yanglishtiramiz, e’tiboringiz uchun rahmat, baxtli kun o’tkazing.